
Happy Mother’s Day! Do you know when it started?

Are you ready to celebrate Mother’s Day today?

Mother’s Day was officially designated by President Truman as Mother’s Day on the same day that he proclaimed May 1 as Child Health Day on April 19, 1950.

Flowers placed on Mother’s Day in cemeteries across Alabama 2010 (Carol Highsmith, Library of Congress)

In an official proclamation on April 19, 1950, President Truman asked Americans to display the flag on May 14 as an “expression of our love and reverence for the mothers of our country. Let all the sons and daughters of America pay tribute to their mothers on that day and renew their devotion to the ideals for which motherhood has always stood.”

Mother’s Day at Arlington May 10, 1925 (Library of Congress)

The origin of Mother’s Day has been attributed to different people. Julia Ward Howe, Anna Jarvis, and Juliet Calhoun Blakely have all been credited with helping to establish the holiday.

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One comment

  1. In the UK Mothering Sunday is in March and is part of the Christen Calendar in Churches, everyone is giving daffodils during the service to give to their Mother’s. Those who have lost them put them on their graves. We still have the cards and Mothers get presents and taken out to lunch.

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