Patron Past StoriesPATRON+ MONDAY MUSINGS: Have you ever heard of these southern superstitions? December 7, 2020 November 1, 2020by Donna R Causey To view this content, you must be a member of Alabama Pioneers Patrons's Patreon at $2 or more Unlock with PatreonAlready a qualifying Patreon member? Refresh to access this content. Tags: Alabama historySouthern expressions
PATRON – Hardy Coffee County citizens persevere through floods and fires July 21, 2021 August 13, 2023
PATRON + GOOD OLE DAYS: Interesting perspective on why children die from Birmingham newspaper July 2, 1879 September 17, 2023 September 17, 2023
I had a daddy and 3 uncles who were superstitious and they cracked me up.
Do you have a list of family names in your books? I am interested in many from North Alabama counties.
Brandi Michelle Manning
My gr grandmother was born in Randolph Co and I grew up with these tales. My mother used to call them ” old wives tales” now I think of them often with great fondness.