
Genealogy research tip – Check Centennial farm records

Good Genealogy tip…..

Centennial Farm Award Records were active in many states and contains a great deal of information about a family because a main criteria for a farm or ranch to receive the award required that the farm or ranch remained in continuous ownership and operation by a family for at least one hundred years. Documentation was required to prove this fact.

The award may be called other names in states but they should be available through some state extension service. Sometimes the records were microfilmed and available in Family History libraries, or local libraries.

Read about this period of American history in the historical series, Tapestry of Love. Inspired by true events, these three books take you back to the time when our founding fathers who were immigrants from many countries, began to build new lives and a new country. All historical events actually took place on the Eastern Shore of Virginia and Maryland in the 17th century. Each book has an appendix at the end that delineates truth from fiction and sources and would make great gifts for history lovers or those who want to learn more about the early days of America. The descendants of the family depicted in these novels eventually settle in Alabama.



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