1. Donna,

    I enjoy receiving your daily newsletter. My ongoing research is into my only Alabama pioneer ancestor line, in Macon County and “the Fork”, opened my eyes to early Alabama history. Your newsletters and research have been very helpful in keeping me focused.

    One update for you: the Alabama Secretary of State’s webpage has an official listing of the 1901 Constitution’s Amendments and shows count to be 892 as of the election of 2014. The number of Amendments in today’s newsletter, 856, was valid through 2010. As for the number of words, I know of no ‘official’ number, but I believe the new total is approaching 350,000 which is somewhere between the word count of two of my favorite books; “The Fountainhead” around 310,000 and “Gone With The Wind” around 420,000 words. I dare say more people have read and enjoyed those two books than have read and pondered our 1901 state constitution! Thanks for reminding us of this key event in 1901.


  2. This was one of my most favorite places to visit as a child. It was as if I had known it all my life, it felt comfortable to me.

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