Category: Patron Past Stories

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Patron Past Stories

PATRON – Fort Jackson Treaty terms stated Indians were to be removed from Alabama voluntarily!

Indians were to be removed voluntarily By the terms of the treaty (Fort Jackson 1814 - Creek Indian War) the Indians were not to…

Patron Past Stories

PATRON + Gee’s Bend in Wilcox County, Alabama at the start of the Federal Government Resettlement Program in 1939

In 1937, the United States Government Resettlement Program purchased the old Pettway plantation and two adjacent farms in Wilcox County, Alabama and divided the land, then…

Patron Past Stories

PATRON – FRIDAY FORGOTTEN PHOTOS: Baseball in Alabama – Do you know the names or anything about these people?

Here are some interesting photographs at the Alabama Department of Archives and History of some baseball player,  probably from around Alabama. Do you know…

Patron Past Stories

PATRON – Calera, Alabama, 1st named Buxahatchie, home of the “Golly Hole” & one of the finest artesian wells in the state

CALERA, SHELBY COUNTY, ALABAMA The first settler of Calera was John R. Gamble from Ireland. He was a soldier of the American Revolution and…

Patron Past Stories

PATRON – Clarkson Covered Bridge, Cullman County – one of the longest covered bridges standing in the Deep South

The bridge was reopened March 24, 2015 Clarkson Covered Bridge Cullman County, Alabama Cullman County’s historic Clarkson Covered Bridge turned 100 last year and is getting…