Patron Past Stories

PATRON + Good Advice for Ashland citizens in 1878 – does any of it apply today?

In 1878, the South was still recuperating from the effects of the Civil War. Newspapers often shared advice on how to cope with the daily problems their readers faced. This was published in The Ashland News, on April 5, 1878. Do you think many of these ideas could be applied today?


(Transcribed from The Ashland New, Ashland, Alabama, April 5, 1878)

  • Raise hogs and make your own meat.
  • Raise corn for food instead of buying.
  • Keep plenty of cows and make your own milk and butter.
  • Do not raise so much cotton; If you wish to avoid the misfortune of spending your last moments in the poor house.
  • Raise your head high, and be not ashamed of honest work, better to have the wrinkled and brown hands of a farmer than the white fingers of a thief.
  • Raise your boys for something more useful than playing cards. Give them an education first, then polish them up with a trade. They will know how to make their own living, and will not be burdens to their fellow-man.
  • Teach your daughters that a woman in a calico dress is just as good as a woman in silk, and that a pure, noble, sensible woman, no matter what her station, in life, is universally admired.
  • Farmers who raise the most stock are most prosperous, provided that the animals are of good blood and worth the trouble of raising.
  • Every family should have a vegetable garden from which to supply the table with food. It cost nothing a few hours daily labor to raise vegetables and it affords a certain amount of pleasure in knowing that they are the fruit of your own exertions.

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