1. Should request the geologist that hosts the History Channel show America Unearthed to investigate.

  2. I would like to see this stone if/when it is returned to Alabama!

  3. Julie Robinson Schaer Andrew Nicholas Schaer

  4. It is at the Department of Archives and History. Several articles about it have been written over the years. There are many theories.

  5. This stone is unique, I have studied it for years through articles and photos. If you look carefully the stone on the right side forms a horses head of which the Spaniards brought to this country. There is also some very weatherd glyphs on the stone as well. One glyph is what looks to be a Spaniard. This stone is very real not a hoax. The date could have been a time something significant happened to the person who carved it.

  6. I believe…that I could seriously use more chocolate today. Also, I like rocks.

  7. What does the inscription translate to ?????

    1. I have no idea. Does anyone know?

    2. ” hispaniarum et indiarum rex.” King of Spain and the Indies

      1. Thank you for the translation!

  8. might be interesting to have scaott wolter’s of america unearthed investigate this… it is really interesting

  9. Well there is evidence the Welsh prince Maddoc also known as mad dog landed on the eastern shore of Mobile Bay in the early 1100’s

  10. This would be a great “America Unearthed” investigation.

  11. What year was this discovery?

    1. You can click on the link and you will see more of the story. It was discovered in 1817 by Thomas Scales.

  12. Very Interesting. I grew up near Demopolis, Alabama where the Black Warrior River runs through and not far from Northport and Tuscaloosa.

  13. Why does the title say “1412” but the article says the inscription is “1232”?

  14. It’s in Celtic I think which would be early Viking maybe ????? Not sure but I think I saw that !!!!

  15. Probably real…I’m going by the language….

  16. Thank you Donna for helping us Alabamians to know more about our state. I love Southeastern history, and of course our Alabama history, and I’m learning even more about my county of Talladega. I was born at the place that has the purest white marble in the world, Sylacauga, and that’s how I feel about my home town, it is a very special place. But the Indians knew that before WE did. LOL!

  17. I can’t see where it says “ET” but I do see “EI.” None of the tops of the other letters are worn enough to warrant assuming the top of the “T” is worn. I think it is real, but it needs scrutiny to determine completely what it says.
    Very interesting

  18. Concerning the “Alabama Stone”, I tried to contact America Unearthed about the authenticity of this stone with no response. I live on one of the creeks that pours into Big Creek. I discovered from satellite images and old photographs that there is two unique lines in the earth that converge at the northern most point this creek is navigable. This is very close to where I reside. I believe this lines are trails that were walked on many years. When one considers the terrain of Lake Tuscaloosa, the trails would provide an easier passage north. Big Creek may have been more traveled by Natives than other nearby creeks, except for maybe North River. Maybe this is why the stone was placed at the mouth of Big Creek.

  19. That’s mine. It’s number 1232 in my rock collection

  20. That is the address . The rock was originally out by my mailbox !

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