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PATRON+ Amazing story of courage of some early settlers of Alabama

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  1. […] Court. His home is believed to be part of Oakland Plantation and the oldest home in Mississippi. Rachel Donelson, wife of Andrew Jackson was related by marriage to the Hutchins family and often visited them to […]

  2. go back to thier own country

  3. the indians did”ent want them here..they should have gone back where they came from

  4. Rachael Donelson may have travelled to Ala. , but I do not believe she settled there.

    1. Rachel Donelson was the name of the wife of Andrew Jackson.

  5. Fort Charlotte or Charlestown or whatever we want to call it. Fort Conde or Fort Louis.

  6. When Jackson lived – he was a Georgian not Tennessee.

    Georgia was Alabama.

    It’s just a matter of reference

    Read the American State Papers.

    The mobile River has been the center of American s

    Not sparsely populated till after the fever hit.

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