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Publish your own article on Alabama Pioneers!

Patreons can now publish one or more stories on! All $10 and $25 per month Patreons can now post a story, article, or biography in the COMMUNITY and send a MESSAGE to us that you would like it reviewed for the website which has nearly 85,000 Facebook followers.

GREAT OPPORTUNITY FOR AUTHORS TO ADVERTISE BOOKS: Authors of books can even post an Advertisement of their own book at the bottom, If it is sold on Amazon.(contact at [email protected] for questions)

If your story is accepted for, it will be now under the AUTHOR SUNDAY label and FREE for ALL to see,, including 85,000 FACEBOOK followers.

Check out the stories under AUTHOR SUNDAY in COLLECTIONS on PATREON to see what has been accepted.

Remember Only $10 FAMILY MEMBER PLUS and $25 SUPER MEMBER per month Patron members may participate in this benefit.
