1. Thanks for sharing this! Both sets of my grandparents grew up and lived in Northport/Tuscaloosa. Both my parents were born and raised there. I remember all of these buildings.

  2. I believe that a phrase should read “…..COL J. T. Murfee, President of Howard College in Marion, ALabama…..”

  3. […] More old pictures & film of old Tuscaloosa, Alabama – […]

  4. I didn’t see any illustrations. I saw a lot of photos of gravestones. Also, what’s with the lead story above the photo talking about a Baptist Church. When you open the link, it shows photos of tombstones. Very confusing.

    1. I’m sorry about the confusion. You have to click on the story link http://alabamapioneers.com/tuscaloosa-bryce-hopsital-state-art/#sthash.O99RQThy.dpbs to see the illustrations. Facebook only shows the video….not the whole story.

      1. It says that Bryce Hospital is now closed and abandoned. NOT TRUE! The original building is owned by the University of Alabama and is being renovated. Bryce Hospital is still in operation at our new facility on University Blvd. just east of DCH on the grounds of the old Partlow State School.

    2. I didn’t have the problem you’ve described. I simply touched the image and the entire article, with video and illustrations, appeared. The only photos I saw, before opening the videos, were of the illustrations. The article that came up when I touched the image was about early Tuscaloosa, which included facts about the church, Bryce, what is now University Blvd., etc. I hope you were able to get your link to work correctly because it is an enjoyable article. Thank you, Alabama Pioneers, for the posting.

  5. Must have been a mix up in the film.

  6. My grandfather was in this hospital . How can I get information on him ?

  7. Very interesting article. Thank you for sharing.

  8. We visited Bryce a few weeks ago. I had a great uncle that was in and out of Bryce for 2 decades.

  9. All mistreatment of patients was abandoned! That would be funny if it weren’t so sadly untrue. Wonder what using ice water treatments, fire hoses and electric shock “therapy” should be called if not mistreatment? The ground should be sowed with salt!

  10. My grandfather spent several years there, glad I was too young to remember☹️

  11. I have a great, great grandfather buried there. I wonder where I would find the records and the unmarked grave.

  12. I have a great, great grandfather buried there. I wonder where I would find the records and the unmarked grave.

  13. It’s a beautiful building despite its reputation and should not be neglected. It could be turned into condos or apartments and the exterior maintained.