1. I enjoy learning about our pioneers,but I do not agree with the slavery of those days.

    1. No one does but it was part of history. Like it or not….

    2. We should not ignore our past. We need to discover our entire history, good and bad. That is the only way we can learn from it and not make the same mistakes again. Then we will move forward together.

    3. I think we’re all wishing we’d picked our own cotton!

    4. Yes, most of are wishing we had picked our own cotton!

  2. I love our Alabama history…Keep them coming!

    1. Thank you , we love sharing them!

  3. She is my 6th great grandmother. Her first husband was Robert Hails. I am descended from their daughter MaryAnnabella Hails Marshall.

    1. Her sister was my husband’s 3rd great grandmother, from her son Robert Hugh, with Samuel Ervin.

  4. If you had lived in those days you would have had slaves too! The slaves weren’t looked upon as people in bondage even tho they were, but rather they were viewed as a source of help for the people who justified them as an economic commodity for the building of one’s family empire whether it be a few acres or a plantation. The families knew they could not perform the daily tasks without extra labor. This was at the time rationalized & justified because of the enormous work load as acceptable free labor with uneducated humans. Now, should you wonder if most people were religious people to allow such free labor to occur? Yes, they were. And probably many thought it was a blessing from God that He helped them out to be able to purchase and have slaves with their free labor? But in reality it was birthed from the one in the Bible that God calls the “great deceiver” satan. With his tactics of deception used on mankind for thousands of years satan set the human labor bondage of a negro race in motion that would cause conflict then and even unto this present day with race relations. Now ain’t that sumtin’ that what looked as nothing wrong with some free African labor actually turned out to be heartache, pain, suffering and death. But if the people at that time had been “doer’s of the Word(Bible) and not just hearer’s only” they would have known that JOHN 10:10 would be a Biblical reality for generation to generation when the sinful seeds of “nigger” labor was born in the minds of people as being a normal labor human process. Satan was slick with mankind then just as he is today. Same sinful tactics but with new people to use at his will if they will take the bite of his seemingly harmless fruit, which is rotten at the core. Only when mankind will truly follow the Way of God, is when we as people will surely be able to see clearly an ungodly, unjust and unnatural act of SIN…

  5. could listen to older people tell their stories love the elderly

  6. Larry Jones! The wife’s story!

  7. There was a single white woman who went off to the wilderness where Montgomery now stands in the 1700s and farmed there alone.

  8. Enjoyed reading this……

  9. alot of information in & around that whole article. B ham zoo & botanical gardens is built over non moved cemetary

    1. Yes, we wrote a story about the zoo and the graves a few months ago. You can see the story here. http://alabamapioneers.com/birmingham-zoo/#sthash.J45FshLS.dpbs

  10. I love to read all about the Alabama pioneers, this is where my roots are from.

  11. Loved reading this article. I love HISTORY!

  12. Strong role model for women back then before it became cool!

  13. Reminds me of home I grew up in

  14. A family story. Margaret is a great aunt a few generations back.

  15. Looks like the work shed at my grandparents farm sixty years ago

  16. Thank you for the articles you post. So interesting. My ancestors were from Alabama. Moved to Texas after the Civil War. We are all still here. Love Alabama though. Such a beautiful state.

  17. Thank you so much for sharing! I have Fee ancestors that went from Augusta to AL. I am now going back looking for Jenny Fee.

  18. Talk about Tiny House living! Very interesting!

  19. The big story here was the big earthquake in S. Alabama. No exact date given, but could have been part of the New Madrid earthquakes of the early 1800s. The Indians lost their land and culture because they could not defend their borders. Sound familiar?

  20. Must see the whole thing! Wow

  21. Have some old family pics that don’t look much better

    1. Yep – great great grandmother (I might be missing a great). thanks for sharing.

  22. Kelli, I was reading Margarets story and Mike was setting on the sofa telling what was happening as I read it. I wish I had his memory

  23. Jeremiahs fathers grave stone is still in north Fla. at the Miccosukee

  24. Most fascinating, please tell us more .

  25. Loved the story. Sad that some feel we must still apologize for what happened in the past when we are still doing evil upon the native Americans who dwell in the “concentration” camps our grandfathers forced them to. People have been enslaving their fellow man forever. My Viking ancestors liked to rape, pillage and sell slaves all over their domain. My ancestors were in southern Alabama at the time of this story so it pleases me greatly to read this one My grandparents crossed the Chattahoochee at Columbus on an Indian ferry and an Indian tried to trade a “pickaninny” girl to my grandma for her baby daughter who was an infant. Indians and blacks had slaves too. Historians can not have “politically correct” attitudes.

  26. I have recently discovered this wonderful website and am thoroughly enjoying the daily postings! An Alabama girl, I am now living in Tenn. I miss my home state terribly, but having these wonderful, historical readings every morning lifts my spirits. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

    1. I’m happy you enjoy them!

  27. Enjoyed this story

  28. Thanks for this informative post.

  29. She makes it sound like the Indians were the bad guys

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