
Information needed on the Moore surname

question-markMoore: Need info on James Matheson Moore who died 31 Aug. 1891 near Addison, Winston County, AL. Married, 64 years old at time of death (born circa 1827), farmer, and born South Carolina.

Moore: Seek info on John Moore, died 10 June 1893, Beat 7 in Lawrence County, AL. Was 40 years of age at time of death per record, married, and a farmer. Any help appreciated. Sue Mullane, Albuquerque, NM [email protected]




Note: Just to say I did find info on the John Moore who died 1893 in Lawrence County, AL.  Sadly its not my ancestor but I now know about him.  AND, I also found info on Richard Moore so both of those queries can be discontinued.  Still looking for info on James Matheson Moore.  Thank you for your help.  The service you provide is appreciated.  Sue Mullane

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  1. Not familiar with this particular Moore.

  2. Do you have any information on Robert Sylvester Wiley
    Walker county Alabama
    Late 1800’s

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