1. […] day Bullock County, was originally located in Barbour County, and was likely first settled by Samuel Feagin who became a land broker and the first postmaster. He also built a small inn, ran a store, and […]

  2. […] area of the present town of Midway in Bullock County was once known as Feagin’s Store Post Office and Five Points. An Act of Congress on July 7, 1838 provided that a mail route be […]

  3. I so enjoyed this biography! We must never forget such wonderful and courageous historical figures from the state of Alabama!

  4. Isaac was my great great uncle. Lost his leg at Gettysburg.

  5. […] day Bullock County, was originally located in Barbour County, and was likely first settled by Samuel Feagin who became a land broker and the first postmaster. He also built a small inn, ran a store, and […]

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