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PATRON + SATURDAY SECRETS – This is how our ancestors dealt with removing stains from marble

Marble has been used as a building material for centuries, but sometimes it gets stained. This is how our ancestors dealt with stain removal…

New Stories

Happenings of a Day in Alabama February 7, 1900 – Part VI – Information about many people who passed through Montgomery

(Local news transcribed from THE MONTGOMERY, ADVERTISER, Montgomery, Ala., February 7, 1900) THE PASSING THRONG Mr. E. W. deGraffenried of Greensboro, is in the…


Beautiful Paint Rock Valley, Alabama “Little sister to Virginia’s Shenandoah” [pictures and story]

PAINT ROCK VALLEY, ALABAMA PIONEERS (posted to public stories by genealogygeek) Flanked by steep mountains and threaded by a meandering river, Paint Rock Valley…