Tag: Confederacy

Patron Past Stories

PATRON + People were starving in Alabama in 1866

This transcription of a news article was published in April 18, 1866, edition of the Union Springs' Times, Bullock County, Alabama. It reveals the…

Patron Past Stories

PATRON – The Act and Names of Civil War soldiers by County (A-C counties) of residence furnished artificial limbs in 1867

ARTIFICIAL LIMBS The first relief Act by the State of Alabama in aid of former Confederate soldiers who were maimed during the War Between…

Patron Past Stories

PATRON + There were many people against the Civil War in Alabama including these Unionists in Montgomery, Alabama in 1861 [films]

Thirty Unionists in Montgomery In the small city of Montgomery, Alabama of some ten thousand people, around 1861,  there were approximately thirty who were…

Patron Past Stories

PATRON – Ladies Hospital Association Meeting was held in Masonic Hall in Claiborne, Alabama in 1864

(Excerpt transcribed from The Claiborne Southerner (Claiborne, Alabama) September 16, 1864) LADIES' HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION MEETING HELD AT MASONIC HALL, CLAIBORNE, ALA. AUG. 24TH 1864…