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Patron Past Stories

PATRON – BIOGRAPHY: Benjamin Sykes born ca. 1745

This biography is included in the Book First Families of Lawrence County, Alabama Volume I BENJAMIN SYKES BIOGRAPHY and GENEALOGY ( 1745) Lawrence County,…

Patron Past Stories

PATRON + FORGOTTEN PHOTOS: Vintage photographs of soldiers in the Confederacy with links to the source of photographs found at the ADAH

FORGOTTEN PHOTOS: Vintage photographs of soldiers in the Confederacy with links to the source of photographs found at the ADAH Do you have additional…

Patron Past Stories

PATRON + Cattle thief, Intelligent farmer, Eccentric lawyers, and a General who opposed secession represented Walker County, Alabama

Early Representatives of Walker County, Alabama (from FIFTY-FIVE YEARS IN WEST ALABAMA printed in the Tuscaloosa Gazette August 12, 1886) by Hon. E. A.…

Patron Past Stories

PATRON – The Act and Names of Civil War soldiers by County (All counties) of residence furnished artificial limbs in 1876

ARTIFICIAL LIMBS The first relief Act by the State of Alabama in aid of former Confederate soldiers who were maimed during the War Between…