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PATRON – Strange romance surrounds a minister’s life in this story

HISTORY OF THE AUBURN BAPTIST CHURCH By Mary Reese Frazer (Transcribed from a pamphlet written in 1926) In 1838, this part of the State…

Patron Past Stories

PATRON + Part III Alabama Great Southern Railroad – Alabama was the leading mineral state of the South in 1899

(Excerpts transcribed from Tuscaloosa Weekly Times, Tuscaloosa, Alabama May 12, 1899) Southern Railway and Alabama Great Southern Railroad REACH EVERY PRINCIPAL CITY AND PORT…

Patron Past Stories

PATRON + Greensboro furnished the State of Alabama with three early Governors and other prominent men

During its history, Greensboro has furnished the State of Alabama with three Governors.1 (Published in 1908) ISRAEL PICKENS, who was Governor from 1821 to 1825, was a resident…

Patron Past Stories

PATRON + Did you know that in 1869 there was a dramatic club made up of only men in Greensboro, Alabama?

The Greensboro Dramatic Association1 (This transcribed article was published in 1908) Nearly forty years ago—to be exact, in 1869—there existed in Greensboro an organization known as “The…

Patron Past Stories

PATRON + Part II Alabama Great Southern Railroad – Southern Railway brought settlers, industrialists & farmers to the South

(Excerpts transcribed from Tuscaloosa Weekly Times, Tuscaloosa, Alabama May 12, 1899) (Photograph of Engine of the Alabama Great Southern Railroad in front of a…