Category: New Stories

New Stories

PATRON: Five Confederate captains photographs with links to the source

Below are five captains who served in the Civil War for the Confederacy. We are publishing photographs of interest to researchers on Alabama Pioneers.…

New StoriesUncategorized

UPDATE: Found – a Picture of Cottingham house built ca. 1707 in Maryland – an ancestor of Bibb County, Alabama Cottinghams

During my research for my historical fiction novel in this series, I was excited to discover a photograph (below) of a Cottingham house built…

New Stories

October 10, 1885- There was a big celebration when the Bibb County, Alabama iron bridge was opened in 1885 [see pics & story]

COMPLETION AND RECEPTION OF THE IRON BRIDGE ACROSS THE CAHABA RIVER IN BIBB COUNTY    (News article transcribed from the Bibb Blade, 15, October 1885-…

New Stories

Letter from William Rufus King of Alabama only Vice President of U.S from Alabama. He died shortly after being elected.

William Rufus King official portrait Washington City 22 February 1825 Dear Sir: Genl. LaFayette leaves this City tomorrow on his southern Tour and expects…