Category: New Stories

New Stories

Believe it or not, Columbiana, Alabama once had two hotels

Click to see how to Become a Patron of Alabama Pioneers and read thousands of lost and forgotten stories, free books and other added…

New Stories

Happenings of a Day in Alabama February 7, 1900 – Part VI – Information about many people who passed through Montgomery

(Local news transcribed from THE MONTGOMERY, ADVERTISER, Montgomery, Ala., February 7, 1900) THE PASSING THRONG Mr. E. W. deGraffenried of Greensboro, is in the…

New Stories

UPDATED WITH PODCAST – A true ghost story from Marion Junction in Dallas County, Alabama that made it all the way to Philadelphia in 1892

Have you ever heard of the ghost who pulled his coffin in Marion Junction, Alabama? This story involved many respectable, local citizens of the…