Author: Jean Butterworth

Jean Champion Butterworth is originally from Tuscaloosa County, graduating from Tuscaloosa County High School, Druid City Hospital School of Nursing and The University of Alabama. She is a retired nurse. Working 27 years at The Children’s Hospital as Department Director, Specialty Clinics. She has traveled extensively in Europe, Africa, The Middle East, and Eastern Europe. You can contact Jean at [email protected] See additional stories by Jean Butterworth on She also now has a Kindle Ebook Chinaberries and Other Memories of Alabama

AUTHOR SUNDAY: Bygone Memories of Small Country Churches

By Jean Butterworth Attending a small Baptist church in the country when I was young was a very different experience than attending church today.…


Remember those cold days in Alabama with no central heat and Vicks Vapo rub [see vintage film] was the remedy for a cold?

"On January 30, 1966,  Alabama experienced its coldest ever recorded temperature of -27°F at New Market in Madison County. The average low temperature during…


AUTHOR SUNDAY – The first Tuberculosis Sanitarium in Birmingham area was located where English Village in Mountain Brook exists today

TUBERCULOSIS SANITARIUMS ARE NO MORE! by JEAN BUTTERWORTH It was announced in the Birmingham News that as of June 1, 2011 that the Public…